Tuesday, 31 March 2015

NJ MED Releases its 2015 World Top 20 Education Poll’s First Quarter Report

The third-annual World Top 20 Education Poll that monitors and ranks over 200 countries education systems for students 3 to 25, 2015 first-quarter report has been published  by NJ MED.
New York, New York, March 31, 2015 – NJ MED, a NGO partner of the United Nation’s Economic and Social Affairs Department,World Top 20 Education Poll’s first-quarter report, was released today. The rankings are a pre-poll prediction of the 20 nations that will be ranked as the best education systems at the end of the year.
The methodology used to rank the countries in the first-quarter report, includes last year’s final  ranking, from 2 of the world’s most prestigious education polls ranking systems (Pearson/ Economist Intelligence Unit and MBC TIMES) and NJ MED’s final poll results.
South Korea, the country that finished first in two of the polls and second in the third final poll rankings, is ranked number one, followed by Japan, Singapore, Finland, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Canada, Denmark,  and Germany. The remaining 10 nations include Ireland, Russia, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, Israel, Australia, the United States of America, China, and Belgium.
This quarter ranking also includes the top ranked country’s early childhood education and primary schools, that targets NJ MED’s economic and social affairs mission to oversee the development of the United Nation member’s education services for students 3 to 8 year olds.
The next World Top 20 Education Poll quarter rankings, in June, will feature the international results from NJ MED’s annual public opinion poll, that will reach over 100 millionstudents, parents, teachers and educators through Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google Plus.
The final two quarter reports, in September and December, will combine data resources from the world’s top research data banks- the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); The Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS); Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Progress in International Reading Study (PIRLS); and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECO) Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study, and confirmed by each nation’s Department of Education, towards its accuracy.

For more information about NJ MED’s and the 2015 World Top 20 Education Poll first quarter report, visitwww.worldtop20.org.

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